Your donation supports the people that support our kids.
SchoolCARE focuses funding on people like: - Mental health staff - Para-educators - Enrichment staff Who all work with students during the regular school day. Major gifts are appreciated. Any amount helps. Tax ID (EIN): 91-2153262 |
Recurring Donations
Recurring Donations are a great way to manage your SchoolCARE giving: $500 per year breaks down to just $42 per month to make a valued impact on our community. Matching Gifts If you participate in your company's matching gift program, your gift to SchoolCARE could be doubled or more. Obtain a matching gift form from your company, complete it, and return it to the address below. Stock Donations Donating stock is an impactful and easy way to give to SchoolCARE. We sell the stock for much needed funding and you save money on taxes. Please fill out the form below and send it to your brokerage firm. |
Online Donations
Mail-in Donations:
Stock Donations
Albany SchoolCARE
1569 Solano Ave. #537, Albany, CA 94707 | 510-898-6767 | [email protected] Tax ID (EIN): 91-2153262 |